Do you have a swiffer wet jet? I do and I loooove it. It's lightweight and very handy. Yet, I HATE having to pay so much for the refills. So, with a little ingenuity on my part, I have solved my problem.
Drill a small hole on the TOP of the bottle (big enough for a funnel). Put your own cheaper solution in the bottle, then cover hole with duct tape. Voila!
If you want to be fancy, you can hot glue gun a nut in the hole and cork it with a bolt. Either way, you'll save some moola and help the environment!
Your only post in THREE months during your pregnancy and it's about a SWIFFER WET JET?!
Sheesh. Some people.
Didi: Dang if you don't have this kid soon we are going to have to commit you!
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